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R006 - Deduct minimum 1hr break

Rule R006 deducts 1 hour break within shift should be only enabled where organisations wish to deduct 1 hour break from a shift by default.



  1. Break hours is always deducted in order of "Double Time" then "Time Half" then "Normal"
  2. When the rule has been enabled, users do not have to define the break in the Shift Configuration.

Break hours to deduct is calculated as follows:


Scenario 1: Employee works from 8am to 5pm on Monday

Break Taken = (Monday Segment 1 plus 1 hour)  - Hours work between Shift start and end
                     = (8 + 1) - 9
                     = 0

Break to deduct = 1 - Break Taken (capped at maximum on 1 hour) = 1 hour


Scenario 2: Employee works from 8am to 2pm on Saturday

Break Taken = (Saturday Segment 1 plus 1 hour)  - Hours work between Shift start and end
                     = (5 + 1) - 6
                     = 0

Break to deduct = 1 - Break Taken (capped at maximum on 1 hour) = 1 hour


Scenario 3: Employee works from 8am to 1:30pm on Saturday

Break Taken = (Saturday Segment 1 plus 1 hour)  - Hours work between Shift start and end
                     = (5 + 1) - 5.5
                     = 0.5

Break to deduct = 1 - Break Taken (capped at maximum on 1 hour) = 0.5 hours

Steps to enable rule:

  1. Enable the rule:
    1. Click on the "Pencil Icon"next to the rule code.
    2. Tick the "Active " checkbox.
    3. Save. Click the "Floppy Icon".